
2013.01.20. 20:34 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

Iám still working have to finis for tomorow you know what I start in you cake shop...I help my old friend to make holly cakes and to went back to her home because she is was hard but Iám glad that I help her she need me really now... soooooooo take care I will write you


Címkék: 0029

I sleep in the town of my work place and I'm tired and anselpted much more...

2013.01.19. 09:07 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...whan I have a wrong slepp at home...I were help to an old lady today and yesterday but I buy a ticket and on Sunday with train at 5:45 flying home:)))... was a good laection for work became better because I will go here in Subotica much concentrated and much more time in…


Címkék: 0028

Yesterday I cant write here sooooooooooooo...

2013.01.17. 18:28 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...I write to Kreumal:)))...I'm so sorry because I eat a lot and I'm not good in writing whan I eat a lot...but today I have the last boxing with boss and have to give her winner champion but I got everything what I need, tempo and peace to work and live...there were not be anymore from morning to…


Címkék: 0027

I had been on har cut..HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I'm on kreumal today this today don't work's.

2013.01.15. 18:33 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...and talk abouth you:)))...I said like you very much:))) you are very good discusser and thinker and The hair cutter told me abouth hair cutting Eu's;))) and a painter in Eu very good on thinking and I told for me you are the BEST:)))and the hair cutter told me that painter have a little girl and…


Címkék: 0026

süti beállítások módosítása