HTML here I START my new life:)))...

2013.01.24. 09:01 Vene Erstneke (törölt) lifetime work for SECRET KING...he is dangerous;)))...I do not wan't to give him this 3 year's m_ _ _ y, but I willlllllllll just this number's will be much poor whan I don't start to get back to OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ZERO.. ..the thing is that near him is goog to live...if it is the hardest way of…


Címkék: 0032

Circus aroud O...priest...

2013.01.23. 12:03 Vene Erstneke (törölt) my life first time I see my grand mother with her 92 year's fall in love as tiinager...a week before I realize that my friend old lady 84 year's fall in love to a priest...they are patetic and romantic love story's and still now and still now I did not belive that it can be true in this…


Címkék: 0031

II Holy Cake War...:)))

2013.01.22. 10:35 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...Y miss me a lot, the best thing in the world to make cronic's for the secret KING..the heart was hurt me tomorow whan I was so tired ti write you just a sentence that I do not have energy to make cronic way was it happended..'s happened because I got a call a week before, from…


Címkék: 0030


2013.01.20. 20:34 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

Iám still working have to finis for tomorow you know what I start in you cake shop...I help my old friend to make holly cakes and to went back to her home because she is was hard but Iám glad that I help her she need me really now... soooooooo take care I will write you


Címkék: 0029

I sleep in the town of my work place and I'm tired and anselpted much more...

2013.01.19. 09:07 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...whan I have a wrong slepp at home...I were help to an old lady today and yesterday but I buy a ticket and on Sunday with train at 5:45 flying home:)))... was a good laection for work became better because I will go here in Subotica much concentrated and much more time in…


Címkék: 0028

Yesterday I cant write here sooooooooooooo...

2013.01.17. 18:28 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...I write to Kreumal:)))...I'm so sorry because I eat a lot and I'm not good in writing whan I eat a lot...but today I have the last boxing with boss and have to give her winner champion but I got everything what I need, tempo and peace to work and live...there were not be anymore from morning to…


Címkék: 0027

I had been on har cut..HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I'm on kreumal today this today don't work's.

2013.01.15. 18:33 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...and talk abouth you:)))...I said like you very much:))) you are very good discusser and thinker and The hair cutter told me abouth hair cutting Eu's;))) and a painter in Eu very good on thinking and I told for me you are the BEST:)))and the hair cutter told me that painter have a little girl and…


Címkék: 0026

...I got tidy up cook and etc. housework...

2013.01.13. 14:17 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...if the music was little bit sad tomorow I'm are now a husband and have a family and my work is to help you to hold and work for be powerfull and hard to do all of your things and I will pray for alll your's forever is an ask theres free want, but but I would like to…


Címkék: 0025 full of stars...

2013.01.12. 21:57 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

,,,beautifulll... It's start's a long winter now for us, it will be long and could to scared us,  take sweet warm our in your heart, and give me shine of your eyes Take care to build me a good routins,, don't push yourself a scare to block brain, push our fire to a candle light, we…


Címkék: 0023 0024

...I done a test...

2013.01.11. 19:21 Vene Erstneke (törölt) always tell me the truth, sometimes not on that way how I think I would like, but always and I like the work is very hard I handle it, but it is hard and in new moon day or before it is always an it was an attack before a day of new moon and we got a profesional meeting as…


Címkék: 0023

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