...I got discuss with my coleguine:)))...

2013.01.10. 17:03 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...and got DA DA on my nack from my Boss:)))...but I slepp ritmicly and eat quit well. my made müsli on brekfast and I handle it well...I'm allright...yesterday and day before i have still 7x...yet I don't know to stop with it...apolagise...Lord say me that  you got a job, in the city where…


Címkék: 0022

The big big Bang...THE RISEN I'm FINE:)))

2013.01.09. 17:18 Vene Erstneke (törölt)


Címkék: 0021


2013.01.07. 00:54 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...was I donát know way was so famous american writer...but he was and say...that for writwrs is very important alone less, and if thay become refleting in medias, he lost his alone less and lost his posibility to write...I don't wan't to lose it and I do not wan't to be good thing…


Címkék: 0020


2013.01.06. 20:18 Vene Erstneke (törölt) x-es but I'm relly well...ang I go by walk with dadd to the curch again...and praying I like to pray...soooooooo....but you se after 7 x my brain is tired to writet;)))...and I'm well a learn every day to live in this new situacion...and I can I know...God's help me with praying He gives me…


Címkék: 0019

...after a long long time...

2013.01.05. 19:50 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

 ...I got to the curch with mu DADDY...and I didn't goes up to sing...I go with him to have a sit down with him and it was gogreous whan you sing you always stand up sit down...and listen the orgonist down I sit a lot and I can pray pray pray...It's make me strong…


Címkék: 0018

...GOD is with me...I start to burn trought it I'm praying...

2013.01.05. 19:33 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...and I would like to hear you singing...


Címkék: 0016

it's OVER....

2013.01.05. 13:46 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE madonna laisla bonita there is no original offical video in, spanish dance ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and my other favorites dance dance dance to suvive;)))...I'm fired at all but I suvived and be for all life half and dirthy but I can pray and…


Címkék: 0017 it start's

2013.01.04. 18:13 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

You will make a man out of me;)))


Címkék: 0015


2013.01.02. 18:45 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

I HOPE you FIND our GOD's LOVE, Strong as it ever was, Deep as the river runs Warm us a burning sun... please remember me...all the best for my _ _ _ _


Címkék: 0014

Thank you for looking in here it is so nice whan somebody visit your so

2013.01.02. 11:06 Vene Erstneke (törölt)

...there is a little statistic whan I comes to write and I can not clear it, and good to see that something happens and here is not an empthy inner man say to write it's my work to write here,if nobody reads than to, but it is so good that I'm not alone so good…


Címkék: 0013

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